Tajik and Kyrgyz border guards complete OSCE Patrol Management and Analysis training course

DUSHANBE, 14 November 2014 –The Tajik and Kyrgyz border guards today completed a two-week OSCE Patrol Management and Analysis training course.
The border guards were familiarized with the techniques of collecting information, reconnaissance, tactical patrolling, resource deployment and assessment, interview and interrogation, crime scene management, management and analysis for operational planning in action.
A mock exercise helped to refine real-time joint operational planning, co-operation and co-ordination skills between the two border services that will help them to better cooperate and avoid potential incidents in their everyday job.
As part of the training, sessions on gender sensitive border policing and treatment of criminals and victims, as well as on investigation and interviewing, were delivered by experts from the OSCE Office in Tajikistan.
"Cooperation between Kyrgyz and Tajik border troops is a key in ensuring border management and security. These will more than double the capacity in dealing with the challenges of transnational organized crime, terrorism, and the drug trade while promoting cooperation between services", said the Head of the OSCE Office in Tajikistan Ambassador Markus Mueller.
The course is part of the border management unit activities, aimed at enhancing the capacities of Tajikistan’s border troops and Kyrgyzstan’s border troops to develop international and intra-agency cooperation and provide conditions to work against common threats.