OSCE Office in Tajikistan supports government in switch-over to digitalization process
Following a request from Tajikistan’s government to assist the Committee on Television and Radio in the transition from analogue to digital television, the OSCE Office in Tajikistan invited an expert from the Swiss telecommunication and broadcasting regulator BAKOM to meet representatives of Teleradiocom, from 20 to 24 October 2014 in Dushanbe.
According to the GEO6 (digital broadcasting Agreement) with the International Telecommunication Union Tajikistan has to complete the switch-over process by June 2015.
Alexander Kholod, Head of International Frequency Planning at BAKOM briefed the Tajik counterparts on best international practices and the Swiss experience, and discussed the technical and regulatory issues related to the process. He also visited transmission sites in order to assess the technology used.
On 24 October Alexander Kholod met representatives from the government, civil society and media. “Tajikistan has rightly chosen the digital transmission standard (DVB-T2) and already has sufficient spectrum for simultaneous broadcasting of analogue and digital programmes during an interim period.” In the case of delays to the switch-over, he stressed that Tajikistan will need to co-ordinate with neighbouring countries such as Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
He further noted the importance of a public information campaign and awareness raising regarding the changes in the transmission technology. In order to receive digital programmes, consumers will need to either get a new television set or special set-up boxes.
Hans Peter Larsen, Deputy Head of the Office in Tajikistan emphasized the role of freedom of expression and free access to information in the digital switch-over process and asked the government to enable the continued provision of existing broadcasting services.