Afghan border police officers complete OSCE border security training in Tajikistan

DUSHANBE, 2 August 2013 – A total of 19 Afghan border police officers graduated today from a five-week patrolling and leadership course held by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan.
The training focused on planning and conducting border surveillance missions using topographical maps, satellite imagery and other tools. Students also acquired patrol planning and management techniques, and improved their professional capabilities in reporting and analysis, border patrolling in mountain areas, alpine skills and field first aid.
Alastair Livingston, Head of the OSCE Office’s Politico-Military Department, congratulated the graduates and said: “Building the capacities of Afghanistan’s and Tajikistan’s border police plays a crucial role in strengthening security at the border between the two countries, and we remain dedicated to supporting such efforts."
The course is part of the OSCE Office’s Patrol Programming and Leadership Project, which is aimed at strengthening the capacities of Tajik and Afghan border security staff in detecting and preventing unlawful cross-border movements and other illegal activities.