Latest from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received as of 19:30, 31 March 2017
This report is for the media and the general public.
The SMM recorded more ceasefire violations in Donetsk region and fewer in Luhansk region compared with the previous reporting period. The Mission followed up on reports of civilian casualties in Yasynuvata and damage to houses and other civilian infrastructure from shelling and gunfire in Yasynuvata, Irmino, Sentianivka, Kadiivka, Molodizhne and Novooleksandrivka. The Mission monitored the disengagement areas near Stanytsia Luhanska, Zolote and Petrivske, but its access there and elsewhere remained restricted.* It received information on some weapons that should be withdrawn. The Mission visited a border area currently not controlled by the Government in Luhansk region and faced restriction of its freedom of movement.* In Buhas the SMM observed that the camp at a blockade site continued to be present. In Dnipro the SMM observed that a branch of Sberbank of Russia resumed operation. In Odessa the SMM followed up on reports that an automatic teller machine of a bank branch had been set on fire.
In Donetsk region the SMM recorded more ceasefire violations,[1] although fewer explosions (660) compared with the previous reporting period (about 760 explosions). Most ceasefire violations occurred in the Donetsk-Avdiivka-Yasynuvata area and in areas north-east of Mariupol, where the SMM camera in Shyrokyne recorded more than 1,400 tracer rounds.
On the night of 30-31 March, while in “DPR”-controlled Donetsk city centre, the SMM heard 85 undetermined explosions 7-10km west and north-west. On the same night, the SMM camera at the “DPR”-controlled Oktiabr mine (9km north-west of Donetsk city centre) recorded one airburst 6-10km north-east, followed by one projectile in flight from west to east and 26 from east to west, 4-6km north-east of the camera. In addition, the camera recorded a total of 22 undetermined explosions and a total of 120 projectiles (80 from west to east and 40 east to west) 4-10km north-east of the camera.
During the day on 31 March, positioned in government-controlled Avdiivka (17km north of Donetsk) the SMM heard 157 undetermined explosions and more than 50 bursts of heavy-machine-gun fire 1-3km south-east. On the same day, the SMM camera in Avdiivka recorded 38 undetermined explosions and two airbursts 4-5km east-south-east. On 31 March, positioned in “DPR”-controlled Yasynuvata (16km north-east of Donetsk) for six hours, the SMM heard 14 undetermined explosions 2-5km at directions ranging from south-south-west to north.
On the evening of 30 March, while in “DPR”-controlled Horlivka (39km north-east of Donetsk), the SMM heard and saw 115 bursts of anti-aircraft-gun (ZU-23) cannon (23mm) fire 4-7km north-north-west and north. The same evening, while in government-controlled Svitlodarsk (57km north-east of Donetsk), the SMM heard 32 explosions assessed as outgoing rounds of unknown weapons and two undetermined explosions 5-7km east-north-east. The following day, while in Svitlodarsk the SMM heard 12 undetermined explosions 7-10km east-north-east. While in “DPR”-controlled Debaltseve (58km north-east of Donetsk), the SMM heard ten undetermined explosions 15km north-west and one 5-8km south-west.
On the night of 30-31 March, the SMM camera in Shyrokyne (20km east of Mariupol) recorded an exchange of fire consisting of more than 1,400 tracer rounds in flight (about 1,140 from west to east and about 270 from east to west) and 23 projectiles from west to east and four from east to west, all at unknown distances north and north-north-east of the camera. The exchange recorded by the camera began with four rocket-assisted projectiles and 75 tracer rounds in flight from west to east. The following day the camera recorded seven explosions assessed as impacts of rounds from unknown weapons and one airburst, all at unknown distances at locations ranging from west to north-east of the camera.
On the day of 31 March, positioned in government-controlled Lebedynske (16km north-east of Mariupol) the SMM heard 55 undetermined explosions at unknown distances to the east. Positioned about 2km south-west of government-controlled Pyshchevyk (25km north-east of Mariupol) the SMM heard 26 explosions assessed as outgoing rounds of unknown weapons at an undetermined distance to the west. Positioned in government-controlled Orlivske (23km north-east of Mariupol) the SMM heard 44 explosions assessed as outgoing rounds of unknown weapons and four undetermined explosions, all at undetermined distances south-south-west.
On the morning of 31 March, positioned 1km north of “DPR”-controlled Zaichenko (26km north-east of Mariupol), the SMM recorded 20 explosions assessed as outgoing artillery rounds 2km east and their subsequent impacts 5-7km west-south-west, another explosion assessed as an outgoing round from an undetermined weapon 2km east, ten explosions assessed as impacts of rounds from unknown weapons at undetermined distances to the north and 20 undetermined explosions at undetermined distances west-south-west.
Later on the same day, positioned 3km north-east of Zaichenko, the SMM heard 40 explosions assessed as outgoing rounds of unknown weapons at undetermined distances to the west and their subsequent impacts 4-6km north-north-west, 23 explosions assessed as outgoing rounds of unknown weapons at undetermined distances to the east and their subsequent impacts 4-6km north-north-west. In addition, the SMM heard and saw five explosions assessed as impacts of rounds from unknown weapons 4-5km north-west and north-north-west and heard four undetermined explosions at an undetermined distance to the north.
In Luhansk region, the SMM recorded fewer ceasefire violations, including about 200 explosions, compared with the previous reporting period (about 440 explosions). About 70 of these explosions were recorded by the SMM camera in Stanytsia Luhanska on the night of 29-30 March, 44 of which were assessed as having occurred inside the disengagement area.
Positioned near “LPR”-controlled Malomykolaivka (36km south-west of Luhansk), the SMM heard ten undetermined explosions and about 50 bursts and shots of heavy-machine-gun and small-arms fire 10km north-east, assessed as part of a live-fire exercise outside the security zone. Positioned north of government-controlled Novozvanivka (70km west of Luhansk), the SMM heard three undetermined explosions 5km north-east and 11 shots of infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) (BMP-2) cannon (30mm) fire 5km east.
Positioned near “LPR”-controlled Znamianka (36km north-west of Luhansk), the SMM heard 49 explosions, assessed as both outgoing and impacts of mortar and artillery rounds, some of which 1km south-east and others 5km west-south-west. Positioned in “LPR”-controlled Molodizhne (63km north-west of Luhansk), the SMM heard 15 undetermined explosions 10km south-south-west. Positioned 2km north-west of government-controlled Troitske (69km west of Luhansk), the SMM heard over 60 explosions assessed as outgoing 82mm mortar rounds and their subsequent impacts 7-10km south-east.
The SMM followed up on reports of civilian casualties and damage to houses from shelling and gun-fire. On 30 March, in “LPR”-controlled Sentianivka (formerly Frunze, 40km north-west of Luhansk), the SMM observed two fresh impact sites. The first was in the ground about 5m from a farm building at 14A Burky Street, which the SMM assessed as caused by IFV (BMP-2) cannon fire from a northerly direction. The SMM observed damage to the north-facing walls of the building. The SMM saw also three dead animals nearby. The SMM saw fresh damage to the north-facing walls of a house on 14 Burky Street, assessed as caused by IFV (BMP-2) cannon fire from a northerly direction. The SMM saw three holes (one in a north-facing wall and two in the part of a fence facing the same direction). The owner (man in his forties) of both buildings said that he had heard shooting start at 18:00 the previous night. The SMM saw “LPR” positions 1-2km north.
On 50 Michurina Street in Sentianivka, the SMM observed fresh holes on several of the north-facing walls of a house. The SMM assessed the damage as caused by IFV (BMP-2) fire from a northerly direction. The owner said that shooting had started at 18:30 and lasted up to 20:30 the night before. Russian officers of the Joint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC), media and an “LPR” member were present at both sites.
On 30 March, in “LPR”-controlled Kadiivka (formerly Stakhanov, 50km west of Luhansk), the SMM observed a fresh crater in the backyard, 20m west of an inhabited house at 56 Udarnyka Street. The western façade and all windows of the house were damaged by shrapnel. The SMM assessed the impact was caused by a 122mm artillery shell fired from a north-westerly direction. At 1 Zhyhulivska Street, around 230m east of the abovementioned impact site, the SMM saw another fresh impact site in the backyard, some 10m north of the house, which the SMM assessed as caused by a 122mm artillery shell fired from a north-westerly direction. The windows of the house were blown out. The SMM saw three men from a local repair team repair a gas pipe 20m north-east of the crater. According to residents the impact had occurred at around 23:00 on 29 March.
On 30 March, in “LPR”-controlled Irmino (54km west of Luhansk), the SMM observed a fresh crater 1m south of a summer kitchen building at 22 Bliukhera Street. The kitchen wall was destroyed. The SMM also noted minor damage to windows of a house 10m south-west, as well as to the windows of a house 50m north-east of the impact site. The SMM assessed that the impact was caused by an artillery shell (unknown type) fired from a north-westerly direction. According to the residents of the house, shelling occurred at around 23:00 on 29 March.
On 31 March, in “LPR”-controlled Molodizhne (63km north-west of Luhansk), the SMM visited two houses at 8 Kurska Street and 5 Lisna Street where it observed numerous bullet holes on the north-west-facing walls, assessed as caused by heavy-machine-gun fire from a north-westerly direction, as well as broken windows. Several residents (women between 30 and 65 years old) said that they had heard shooting at 15:00 the day before and had later found several projectiles lying nearby; they showed the SMM two bullets. The SMM assessed a fresh crater 15m north-east of an “LPR” checkpoint in Molodizhne, 350m north-east of the second house above, as caused by a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (SPG-9, 73mm) round fired from a north-north-westerly direction.
In Novooleksandrivka (65km west of Luhansk), the SMM observed three fresh impact sites which it assessed as caused by 120mm mortar rounds fired from an easterly or south-easterly direction. The SMM noted the first impact site in the yard, 8m west of an inhabited residence on 14 Pervomaiska Street. The SMM observed shattered windows, shrapnel-scarred walls, a destroyed fence, and scattered debris. A second impact site was in a field, about 50m south of the first, and about 8m east of the closest house. The SMM observed a third impact site about 15m south of the second one, in the concrete yard of a house 50m north of the house on 14 Pervomaiska. The SMM observed a mortar tailfin (120mm) embedded in the asphalt next to the house, as well as considerable shrapnel splatter and significant debris. The Mission observed a Ukrainian Armed Forces position 200-300m north-west of the impact sites.
In Yasynuvata, the SMM saw damage to a wall of a house at 39 Dnipropetrovska Street and damage to the roof of another house at 46 Svobody Street. At the site, the SMM noted a Russian officer of the JCCC and a “DPR” member examining the damaged houses and picking up pieces assessed as of tank rounds. Opposite the two houses, the SMM saw that the steel base of an electricity pylon was severely damaged and wires were cut. Employees of DTEK company said that the repairs would take at least three hours. Along highway H-20 the SMM observed numerous fresh craters assessed as caused by large calibre artillery rounds.
The SMM assessed two other fresh impact sites in Yasynuvata. At 7/17 Festyvalna Street the SMM observed that the north-west-facing wall of a four-storey building had sustained minor damage. Three windows of apartment no. 17 on the ground floor were shattered. Inside the apartment the wall parallel to the outer north-west-facing wall, about 4-5m away, had sustained major damage. The SMM noted also an impact site of about 2m in diameter, in the ground near the destroyed wall. The SMM assessed that a round had penetrated the window and impacted inside the apartment. The daughter of the house owner told the SMM that at around 17:50 on 30 March she had heard an explosion which had caused the immediate death of her father (77 years old). Two neighbours also separately told the SMM that the owner had died. About 100m north-west of the site the SMM saw a military-type truck and about 15 “DPR” members present; some of them armed with rifles.
At 26 Tymyriazieva Street, on the western edge of Yasynuvata, the SMM saw shrapnel damage to the west-facing wall of the house, a hole in the wall, three shattered windows, a destroyed fence, as well as fresh damage to several trees east of the house. The SMM saw debris in the kitchen area and a blood spot in the doorway between two rooms. The owner of the house told the SMM that she and her family were in the house the previous evening, when they had heard an explosion and her husband had protected her and the children by covering them with his body. Another woman present told the SMM that after the incident some men in military-type clothes had assisted them after the damage and had taken the shrapnel and fragments caused by the explosion. She said that the owner had died from the explosion. The SMM saw trenches and fortifications just 150m west of the house.
Staff at the hospital morgue on 8 Bereznia Street in Yasynuvata told the SMM that the bodies of two men, who had died because of shrapnel wounds, had been brought to the morgue. The SMM saw the bodies.
In government-controlled Mariupol (102km south of Donetsk) the SMM heard an explosion in the morning of 31 March. A Mariupol police officer told the SMM that at 08:27, a four-wheel drive vehicle, Toyota land cruiser Prado, had exploded at 92a Metallurhiv Avenue, adding that the driver, the deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Directorate in Donetsk region, had died instantly. According to the head of the national police office in Donetsk region, an investigation had been launched.
The SMM continued to monitor the disengagement process and to pursue full access to the disengagement areas of Stanytsia Luhanska (16km north-east of Luhansk), Zolote (60km west of Luhansk) and Petrivske (41km south of Donetsk), as foreseen in the Framework Decision of the Trilateral Contact Group relating to disengagement of forces and hardware of 21 September 2016. The SMM’s access remained restricted but the Mission was able to partially monitor them.*
On the night of 29-30 March, the SMM camera in government-controlled Stanytsia Luhanska recorded an exchange of fire that began with one projectile in flight from north to south, assessed as outside the disengagement area, and continued with two projectiles and 30 tracer rounds in flight from north to south 300-800m at directions ranging from south-south-east to south-west, followed by 12 tracer rounds in flight from south to north 1.2km south-south-east of the camera, assessed as inside the disengagement area. In addition, also assessed as inside the disengagement area, the camera recorded a total of 44 explosions (ten assessed as impacts and one as an outgoing round of unknown weapons, 25 assessed as outgoing rounds and two as impacts of automatic-grenade-launcher fire, three assessed as impacts of IFV (BMP) cannon fire and three as impacts of mortar rounds), a total of 92 tracer rounds in flight (53 from north to south, 32 from south to north and seven from east to west), and a total of 16 projectiles in flight (12 from north to south and four from south to north), all 0.3-1.7km at directions ranging from south-east to south-west of the camera. The camera also recorded ceasefire violations assessed as outside the disengagement area, including 20 explosions assessed as outgoing rounds of automatic-grenade launchers (AGS-variant) 350m south-west.
On 31 March, positioned north of the bridge in Stanytsia Luhanska, the SMM heard one shot of small-arms fire at a distance less than 0.5km north-east, assessed as inside the disengagement area.
The SMM noted that at the Ukrainian Armed Forces position north of the bridge, an unexploded rocket-propelled grenade observed on 30 March had been removed (see SMM Daily Report 31 March).
The SMM noted a calm situation while present at the disengagement areas near government-controlled Zolote and “DPR”-controlled Petrivske.
The SMM continued to monitor the withdrawal of weapons, in implementation of the Package of Measures, its Addendum, and the Memorandum.[2]
Following a statement of the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office after the meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group on 29 March 2017 in which the sides agreed on full adherence to the ceasefire and the completion of the withdrawal of weapons by 1 April, in the course of 31 March Ukrainian authorities and “LPR” members provided the SMM with some information related to weapons which they declared as withdrawn. The SMM received some information from “DPR” members on some weapons which they declared that they intended to withdraw.
In violation of the respective withdrawal lines, in government-controlled areas, the SMM saw 12 anti-tank guns (MT-12 Rapira, 100mm) on a train at the railway station in Kostiantynivka (60km north of Donetsk) and 16 self-propelled howitzers (14 2S1 Gvozdika, 122mm; and two 2S3 Akatsiya, 152mm), as well as four anti-tank guns (MT-12) heading north-east near Bakhmut (formerly Artemivsk, 67km north of Donetsk).
Beyond the respective withdrawal lines but outside designated storage sites, the SMM saw in government-controlled areas, one tank (T-72) heading north-east in Bakhmut, and two towed anti-tank guns (MT-12) 3.5km north-north-east of Kurakhove (40km west of Donetsk).
In non-government-controlled areas the SMM saw three tanks (T-64) at a training area near Markyne (94km south of Donetsk), on 30 March and seven tanks (T-64) at a training area near Myrne (28km south-west of Luhansk).
The SMM observed weapons that could not be verified as withdrawn, as their storage does not comply with the criteria set out in the 16 October 2015 notification. In government-controlled areas, the SMM saw 18 towed howitzers (2A36 Giatsint-B, 152mm). The SMM noted eight self-propelled howitzers (2S5 Giatsint-S, 152mm) for the first time.
The SMM observed armoured combat vehicles and an anti-aircraft gun,[3] as well as new firing positions, in the security zone. In government-controlled areas the SMM saw a stationary armoured personnel carrier (APC) (BTR-70) facing south and two IFVs (BMP-1) stationary on a road near Berezove (31km south-west of Donetsk), an IFV (BMP-1) stationary on the side of a road near Stepne (29km south-west of Donetsk), and an anti-aircraft gun (ZU-23-2) near Zolote (60km west of Luhansk).
In non-government-controlled areas, the SMM saw an IFV (BMP-1) parked on the side of a road in Petrivske and one APC (MT-LB) static near Molodizhne. The SMM observed about five new firing positions near Andriivka (16km south of Donetsk) and a firing position, as well as seven empty cartridges of 122mm artillery left on the spot 3km south-west of Khreshchatytske (formerly Krasnoarmiiske, 33km north-east of Mariupol).
In Avdiivka the SMM observed a white-coloured, four-door civilian sport utility vehicle driven by men in military-type uniforms, with decals on the front doors mimicking the colours and design of the OSCE SMM logo, moving east on Vorobiova Street in front of the building where the SMM camera is located. The SMM saw a similar vehicle in the same area on 4 March.
The SMM continued to monitor adherence to the ceasefire to facilitate repairs, co-ordinated by the JCCC, to essential infrastructure. On 30 March, the SMM monitored repair works to a water pipeline in the vicinity of “LPR”-controlled Krasnyi Lyman (30km north-west of Luhansk).
On 31 March, the SMM monitored the installation of water pipelines at the Karbonit water pumping station near Zolote as well as the repair of a power line in “LPR”-controlled Raivka (16km north-west of Luhansk).
The SMM observed “DPR” members in the area near the Donetsk Water Filtration Station west of Yasynuvata remove a damaged warhead of a rocket-propelled grenade (PG-7M), a 30mm cannon round from an IFV (BMP-2) and various small-arms rounds, to enable repairs to power lines. The SMM monitored adherence to the ceasefire also in Avdiivka while DTEK company technicians conducted damage assessment at a sub-station. By the time SMM left Avdiivka, electricity supply was not yet established (see SMM Daily Report 31 March).
The SMM visited a border area currently not controlled by the Government.* During one hour at the border crossing point in Dovzhanskyi (84km south-east of Luhansk), the SMM observed 13 passenger vehicles (six with Ukrainian, four with Russian Federation, two with Lithuanian licence plates and one with “LPR” plates), as well as two buses with Ukrainian licence plates and six pedestrians leave Ukraine. The SMM also saw 17 vehicles (ten with Ukrainian and six with Russian Federation licence plates, and one with “LPR” plates), one truck with closed cargo area and a closed trailer (with Ukrainian licence plates), four closed trucks and a closed trailer (with Russian Federation licence plates) and one minivan with Ukrainian licence plates, as well as two pedestrians enter Ukraine.
The SMM noted no changes and a calm situation at blockade site near government-controlled Buhas (44km south-west of Donetsk).
On 30 March in Dnipro the SMM observed that the Sberbank branch of Russia had resumed its operation. According to security staff at the branch, regular work had already resumed since 29 March. The SMM noted that fliers on the walls and a National Corps flag had been removed. (See SMM Daily Report 21 March).
On 30 March, in Odessa the SMM followed up on media reports that an automatic teller machine (ATM) of a BM bank branch was set on fire on Henuezka Street. The SMM observed a worker removing the wreckage of a burned ATM. The bank manager said that the incident had occurred on the evening of 28 March.
The SMM continued monitoring in Kherson, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Kharkiv and Kyiv.
*Restrictions of SMM’s freedom of movement or other impediments to fulfilment of its mandate
The SMM’s monitoring and freedom of movement are restricted by security hazards and threats, including risks posed by mines, unexploded ordnance (UXO) and other impediments – which vary from day to day. The SMM’s mandate provides for safe and secure access throughout Ukraine. All signatories of the Package of Measures have agreed on the need for this safe and secure access, that restriction of the SMM’s freedom of movement constitutes a violation, and on the need for rapid response to these violations. They have also agreed that the JCCC should contribute to such response and co-ordinate mine clearance.
Denial of access:
- At the Stanytsia Luhanska disengagement area, a Ukrainian officer of the JCCC told the SMM that its safety still could not be guaranteed in the areas surrounding the main road due to the possible presence of mines and UXO. The SMM informed the JCCC.
- The possible presence of mines and UXO prevented the SMM from travelling further south-east into the Zolote disengagement area from government-controlled Katerynivka (64km west of Luhansk). The Mission informed the JCCC.
- At an “LPR” checkpoint on the edge of the Zolote disengagement area, armed men told the SMM that its safety still could not be guaranteed in the fields and side roads due to the possible presence of mines and UXO. The SMM informed the JCCC.
- The SMM was unable to travel west from “DPR”-controlled Petrivske (41km south of Donetsk) towards Viktorivka due to the possible presence of mines. The Mission informed the JCCC.
- The SMM still could not travel south of the bridge in government-controlled Shchastia (20km north of Luhansk), as Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel said there were mines on the road south of the bridge. The SMM informed the JCCC.
- On two occasions, the presence of anti-tank obstacles and mine hazard signs on the road prevented the SMM from traveling between Katerynivka and Popasna. Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel present told the SMM that the road was mined. The SMM saw Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel remove six mobile anti-tank mines from the road. The SMM informed the JCCC.
- A Ukrainian Armed Forces commander denied the SMM access to a compound near Rivnopil (65km south-west of Donetsk), saying that he lacked permission from superiors. The Mission informed the JCCC, but it was not able to facilitate access.
Conditional access:
- Two armed “LPR” members at the Dovzhanskyi border crossing point told the SMM that they had received orders from their supervisors to take the pictures of SMM members with their OSCE badges information visible. They allowed the SMM to monitor in the area only after taking their pictures with the badges and writing down the licence plate numbers of SMM vehicles. The SMM informed the JCCC.
- At 12:05, two armed “DPR” members at a checkpoint near “DPR”-controlled Starolaspa (51km south of Donetsk) denied the SMM access to the village. The Mission informed the JCCC and upon its successful intervention, was allowed to proceed after 15 minutes.
[1] Please see the annexed table for complete breakdown of the ceasefire violations as well as map of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions marked with locations featured in this report.
* Please see the section at the end of this report entitled “Restrictions of SMM’s freedom of movement or other impediments to fulfilment of its mandate”.
[2] Despite the joint statement of 1 February by the Trilateral Contact Group and the consent reached on 15 February, the sides have not yet provided the baseline information requested by the SMM related to weapons to be withdrawn and locations of units and formations.
[3] This hardware is not proscribed by the provisions of the Minsk agreements on the withdrawal of weapons.