OSCE Mission to Skopje supports establishment of national mechanism for non-discrimination

SKOPJE, 21 June 2010 - A high-level OSCE-supported conference which started in Skopje today will discuss the establishment of an effective national mechanism for protection from discrimination.
The event, organized by the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission to Skopje, will offer participants from various state institutions, including the Labour and Social Policy Ministry, Justice Ministry, Ombudsman Institute, Members of Parliament and the President's Cabinet, as well as from civil society, an opportunity to share best practices and exchange ideas on the composition and structure of a commission for protection from discrimination. The creation of such an equality body is envisioned in the national law on anti-discrimination.
"Safeguarding the right to equal treatment for all communities helps uphold the most important values, including those related to personal integrity and dignity, and is crucial for a functional multi-ethnic society. It is not sufficient to proclaim the right - effective mechanisms need to be put in place to protect it," said Ambassador Natalya Drozd, the Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission.
Minister of Labour and Social Policy Xhelal Bajrami added: "Experience from other countries that adopted anti-discrimination laws indicates the need to develop an institutional framework which will ensure legal protection of allegedly discriminated persons."
The conference consists of two sessions covering the experience from the OSCE region to establish effective equality bodies, and providing an overview of the process of establishing such a commission in the country and prospective challenges in this regard.