OSCE Mission to Skopje trains border police to detect forgeries
SKOPJE, 28 Sep 2007 - Border police and custom officers received certificates at a ceremony today after completing a training course in identification of forged documents, organized by the OSCE Action Against Terror Unit (ATU) in co-operation with the OSCE Mission to Skopje and the Austrian Interior Ministry.
The 19 officers learned how to identify and control forged documents to help prevent criminal activities on the country's borders. International experts leading the courses shared experiences and knowledge, using practical examples and case studies.
"Building capacity for more efficient detection of forged documents is one of the most significant tools to combat irregular migration, organized crime and cross-border criminal activities, including terrorist movement," said Dimitar Jalnev, ATU Acting Head.
The OSCE Mission to Skopje also donated three video-based passport and documents verification systems, and provided handbooks on forged documents, published by the Austrian Interior Ministry.
"We strive to accomplish the final goal - ensuring successful detection of counterfeit documents and lawful prosecution of the perpetrators," said Marinko Kocovski, Chief General Inspector and Assistant Director of the Sector of Border Affairs.