OSCE Mission to Skopje launches non-discrimination media campaign

SKOPJE, 16 October 2013 – Raising awareness on equality and anti-discrimination and safeguarding social diversity is the aim of an OSCE-supported media campaign launched in Skopje today.
The wide range campaign was initiated by the Labor and Social Policy Ministry and the national Commission for Protection from Discrimination and supported by the OSCE Mission to Skopje. It aims at raising awareness among citizens about equal treatment and non-discrimination concepts, and the ways to protect their rights.
“A life free from discrimination is a fundamental right that all people must be able to enjoy,” said Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje, Ambassador Marianne Berecz.. “Equal treatment and protection from discrimination are cornerstones of any democratic society, as they form the basis for the most important societal values, including diversity and personal dignity.”
The president of the Commission for Protection from Discrimination Dushko Minovski said: “The public event aims at making sure every citizen in the country knows about the Commission and what it does. By raising public awareness about non-discrimination and equality, we are helping to ensure the effectiveness of the existing rights protection mechanisms.”