OSCE Mission to Skopje organizes inter-ethnic summer camp in Struga

An OSCE-supported inter-cultural summer camp for 45 secondary school students of different ethnic backgrounds in Skopje and Tetovo municipalities is taking place from 8 to 15 September 2013 in Struga.
The OSCE Mission to Skopje is holding the event, together with the Training Centre for Management of Conflicts (TCMC), to promote integration and equality, conflict prevention and mediation among young people, with support from the Struga, Butel and Tetovo municipalities.
The summer camp’s programme is designed to strengthen participants’ understanding of the value of intercultural dialogue and solidarity, while also promoting the message of tolerance. Participants will be encouraged to express their positions and attitudes in a creative way - through sport, photography and video production, journalism and painting. Both formal workshops and informal discussions will aim to foster co-operation among young people living in multi-cultural environments.
The OSCE Mission’s staff will also discuss gender-related stereotypes and prejudices with participants, to raise their awareness of the importance of gender equality.
The event is part of the Mission’s commitment to assist the host country in tackling youth violence.