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Democratization Department publications
Legal Interview - Communication Techniques
This manual, available in Serbian language, serves as a teaching tool for university students participating in the legal clinics’ programme. It helps them develop interviewing skills necessary for work with the beneficiaries. The Network of Legal Clinics in Serbia published the manual in 2010 with the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.
This multimedia guide, on the code of conduct for local officials in Serbia, was produced by the OSCE Mission to Serbia. It consists of a documentary that presents the principles of the code of conduct, and the examples of best practices in monitoring public ethical standards, and mechanisms for improving public accountability at the local level.
Model legislation for local self-government units aimed at the implementation of the Aarhus Convention
With the aim of promoting the implementation of the Aarhus Convention principles, empowering the civil society and fostering the partnership between the civil sector and authorities, the OSCE Mission to Serbia supported the district Arhus Centre Kragujevac legal team in the development of model legal acts for local self-government units that enable sustainable public involvement in environmental decision-making processes at local level, more transparent access to environmental information and charge-free provision of legal assistance in environmental disputes. These model decisions aim at establishing “environmental councils” and introducing “green seats” in municipal assemblies, and “green line” and “green ombudsmen” within local administrations. The models were adopted by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities and the Municipal Assembly of the City of Kragujevac at the end of 2010.
Mehanizmi za rodnu ravnopravnost na lokalnom nivou
Zaokružujući rad na projektu „Uspostavljanje lica za rodnu ravnopravnost na lokalnom nivou“, u ovoj brošuri Prof Dr Marijana Pajvančić sumirala je iskustva iz prakse, zakonskih i strateških dokumenata i izradila opis nadležnosti i modela lokalnih mehanizama za rodnu ravnopravnost. U brošuri su takođe prikupljene opštinske i gradske odluke kojim se ova tela osnivaju, kako bi opštine i gradovi u Srbiji imali primere dobre prakse na koje mogu da se ugledaju. Brošura je objavljena 2010. godine.
Vodič za operatere i druge korisnike kroz propise iz oblasti zaštite životne sredine (II deo)
A handbook entitled: “Guide to environmental legislation for operators and other practitioners II” is intended to assist industrial operators in implementation of the newly adopted environmental regulations governing their work, but will also support the work of environmental inspectors, judges, prosecutors and others in charge of environmental legislation enforcement.