OSCE establishes first drug-free units in Serbia's prisons
The OSCE-sponsored drug-free units at Belgrade Special Prison Hospital and at Nis Prison opened their doors in January and May to the first group of inmates dedicated to fighting their drug addictions.
The Mission sponsored the construction, set-up and staff training for the units as part of an extra-budgetary activity supported by the Canadian International Development Agency. Experts say the pilot has already had some successes.
Miodrag Andjelkovic, governor of the Special Prison Hospital in Belgrade, says that after an inmate was expelled from the programme for testing positively for drugs there was concern for the others in the programme. "They were tested and their test results were negative. That is a notable success because it shows that each of the other prisoners was able to resist the temptation to relapse after only a short period of treatment."
The Ministry of Justice's prison administration department also acknowledged the pilot's success with its independent decision to launch construction of two additional drug-free units at prisons in Novi Sad and Sremska Mitrovica.
"Abusers are not the only ones who suffer from drug abuse and its consequences. All those around them suffer, too. It is therefore necessary to help these individuals as part of a general social development strategy. The OSCE hopes that the success of the drug-free units will mark the beginning of a serious battle against drug abuse in other Serbian penal institutions," says Marija Petrovic, OSCE Rule of Law Department Project Co-ordinator.
Extensive drug use in prisons
While all penal institutions are supposed to be drug free, in reality drugs often penetrate prison security. In Serbia, drug use among inmates is a serious and growing concern, in part because of the threat posed to the health of the general population.
"On average, some 20,000 people go through Serbian penal institutions each year. In prison, many of them are exposed to drugs and infectious diseases which they can transmit once they get released. Curbing the drug problem in prisons is important both for the individual and the greater social good," says Petrovic.
According to the Ministry of Justice's 2005 and 2006 Annual Reports, more than 50 per cent of Serbian inmates are registered drug addicts. The number of unregistered drug addicts is estimated to be much higher. Since 2005, the incidence of hepatitis C, to which drug users who inject are particularly vulnerable, has more than doubled and the presence of other infectious diseases has increased as well.
Recognizing the need to address drug abuse in Serbia's prisons, the OSCE Mission sponsored the construction and installation of the two units. It also sponsored the training of the unit's staff, which includes medics, treatment staff and security personnel, who are responsible for enhanced security designed to reduce drug trafficking.
Dr. Andrej Kastelic, a Slovenian expert on drug abuse and the development of clinical programmes for addiction, led the training. The pilot project, the first of its kind in Serbia, was based on a successful Slovenian programme developed by Kastelic.
Supporting individual commitment
The drug-free units support the inmates' fight against drug abuse by providing a drug-free environment and professional medical, psychological, educational and social services.
Participation in the drug-free programme is voluntary and requires a high degree of commitment from its participants.
"Prior to receiving treatment, inmates are required to abstain from drugs for at least one month on their own initiative, to take part in unannounced drug testing and to undergo medical and psychiatric evaluations," says Zlata Komadina, a psychologist at the Belgrade Special Prison Hospital.
Bojan Dragicevic, an inmate admitted to the drug-free unit, recalls his experience: "Many inmates have the desire to quit using drugs but only a few have the will power to do so. That first month of voluntary abstinence is the hardest because you are still surrounded by drug users and are tempted to give in every minute of every day. All of us here have made a serious commitment to treatment because we saw how detrimental drug abuse can be."
One of the key benefits of the drug-free units is the extensive therapy sessions available to inmates. They participate in four hours of individual, group or occupational therapy every weekday.
In return for their commitment, inmates receive various incentives such as extended visitation and telephone rights, better accommodation and various opportunities for self-improvement through language and fine arts classes.
"For us there is no greater incentive than hope for a better life tomorrow and we are thankful to be surrounded by staff and people who support that," says Dragicevic.