OSCE/ODIHR supports dialogue on improving system for resolving election disputes in Serbia
Improving the system for resolving election-related disputes in Serbia was the focus of a roundtable discussion organized by the OSCE Mission to Serbia in co-operation with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) on 6 November 2013, in Belgrade.
The discussion, which brought together representatives of the Serbian judiciary, election officials, civil society and academia, noted that although the existing legal framework allows for the effective remedy of election complaints, there is room for improvement to further enhance transparency and the handling of cases under tight deadlines.
Among the recommendations made by participants was the initiative to reconsider deadlines for submitting and reviewing election appeals by revising the existing legal framework, as well as harmonizing the relevant laws at all levels to make election dispute resolution more effective.
“A balanced and well-functioning system for addressing complaints preserves the integrity of electoral processes and guarantees the rights of voters and candidates,” said Eva Katinka Schmidt, the Acting Chief of ODIHR’s Rule of Law Unit.
The roundtable was organized as a follow-up to the May 2012 parliamentary and early presidential elections, with the aim of supporting Serbia in its efforts to address recommendations made by the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission.