Call for New Members: OSCE Network for Women Professionals on P/CVERLT in Central Asia
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The OSCE Network for Women Professionals on P/CVERLT in Central Asia is excited to announce the expansion of the initiative. We invite applications from dynamic and committed women professionals working in the region who are passionate about contributing to preventing and countering of violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism.
About the Network
In February 2023, the OSCE Gender Issues Programme’s WIN project, in collaboration with the OSCE Transnational Threat’s Department Action against Terrorism Unit, established the OSCE Network for Women Professionals on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism (P/CVERLT) in Central Asia. The network serves as a platform for women professionals from various sectors, including state agencies, civil society, academia, media and OSCE field operations, to collaborate and exchange insights on addressing P/CVERLT challenges.
Objectives of the Network are to:
- contribute to building professional relationships across sectors and the region;
- contribute to trust-building to reinforce a whole-of-society and human rights-based approach to P/CVERLT;
- promote age- and gender-sensitive P/CVERLT policies;
- contribute to professional growth of the network members.
Network Activities
The Network:
- serves as a platform for women P/CVERLT professionals across sectors (non-governmental and governmental) in the region to exchange good practices, including regional cooperation and collaboration;
- generates new ideas and perspectives on P/CVERLT, lifting up voices of women professionals in informing and shaping gender-sensitive P/CVERLT policies;
- facilitates exchange of knowledge, experiences, practices and opportunities in P/CVERLT;
- enables networking and peer-support.
Since its inception, the network members have been actively engaging through regular meetings, fostering discussions on a wide range of P/CVERLT issues. The first in-person meeting took place in October 2023 in Vienna, further strengthening the connections among the members and enhancing the collaborative spirit.
Network Membership Criteria:
- Women professionals based in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan.
- Minimum of 3 years of experience in P/CVERLT programming, projects, advocacy/awareness raising, research and/or analysis.
- Experience in engaging with local communities and/or authorities relevant to P/CVERLT.
- Working level knowledge of the English or Russian language.
- Commitment to the objectives and values of the Network.
- Commitment to share information and experiences, promote collaboration, generate ideas and implement joint initiatives of the Network.
- Motivation and commitment to participate in network meetings (bi-monthly online meetings and one in-person meeting per year).
Desirable Experience:
In addition to the above criteria, experience in the following areas would be considered an asset:
- Human-rights compliant and age- and gender-sensitive programming and/or gender analysis.
- Volunteer work and/or being part of a network.
- Working with international organizations.
Application and selection process:
The application process opens on 18 April 2024 and closes on 5 May 2024, at 23:59 CEST. The applicants should fill in the application form, attach their CV and email them as PDF documents to The OSCE will inform the successful applicants in due time.
No applications will be accepted after the deadline. By taking part in the application process, you consent to the collection and use of the data for the selection process.