Criminal intelligence analysis: OSCE delivers training programme for Albanian State Police
From 11 to 22 December 2023, the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department and the OSCE Presence in Albania delivered in Tirana, Albania a training programme for 40 junior analysts from the Albanian State Police Intelligence and Criminal Archives Directorate.
The analysts learned about the OSCE model of intelligence-led policing and basics of criminal intelligence analysis, focusing on the practical application of a wide range of analytical tools.
"The Albanian State Police considers intelligence-led policing key to success in the fight against crime and intelligence analysis as one of the most important elements in its police operations. This is why, within the framework of the criminal police reform, we focus on the capacity-building of the police personnel,” said Neritan Nallbati, Director of the Criminal Police Department.
The training programme not only laid a solid foundation for improved intelligence-led policing capabilities within the Albanian State Police, but also paved the way for future initiatives. To ensure sustainable capacity-building and consolidate the participants’ knowledge, the OSCE will organize two more advanced courses for the same group in early 2024. They will focus on strategic risk assessment and advanced criminal intelligence analysis, and provide participants with specialized skills essential to their roles.
This multi-stage capacity-building initiative aligns with the recent restructuring of the Albanian State Police Intelligence and Criminal Archives Directorate. The restructuring resulted in the creation of the information analysis sector, consisting of junior analysts operating at central and local levels who required specialized training.
The training programme was part of the OSCE extrabudgetary project "Building intelligence-led policing capacities at regional and national levels in the OSCE area", funded by Germany.