High-Level Event: A silent war on women – ending femicides in the OSCE region
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Violence against women and girls is a serious human rights violation that affects approximately one in three women worldwide. Femicide or gender-related killing of women and girls is considered as the most severe type of gender-based violence. Femicide is distinct from other killings or homicides as it constitutes gender-based violence against women and requires a specific set of measures for its prevention and eradication. In OSCE participating States, a recent increase in the number of femicides has raised concerns and sparked protests, highlighting the limits of current mechanisms to prevent femicides.
The OSCE Action Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality (2004) prioritizes the prevention of violence against women and calls on the OSCE structures to “assist participating States in developing programmes and activities aimed at the prevention of all forms of gender-based violence.“ Three OSCE Ministerial Council Decisions further strengthen commitments on preventing and combating violence against women and girls.
The OSCE Gender Issues Programme (GIP) organizes a high-level event on “A silent war on women – ending femicides in the OSCE region” on 24th November 2023 in Vienna, to launch this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign. Taking into account recent events of femicides within the OSCE region, this high-level event will take stock on the current situation across OSCE participating States in preventing femicides and discuss the role of OSCE in combating this crime.
OSCE institutions, government representatives, international experts and civil society will discuss challenges, opportunities and best practices to address femicides including through effective legislative changes. The event will be held in English.
Key objectives of the event:
- Providing a space for sharing experiences, best practices, and tools for effectively addressing femicides
- Discussing the effective mechanisms to prevent and combat femicides, including data collection and establishment of Femicide Watches
- Urging participating States to showcase the importance of implementing legislative measures specifically on targeting femicides