Economic connectivity perspectives and operationalization of Euro-Asian transport corridors focus of OSCE and UNECE discussions
Economic connectivity perspectives and the operationalization of Euro-Asian inland transport links (EATL) were the focus of two rounds of virtual consultations held by the OSCE and the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) on 25 March 2021 and 6 May 2021.
Around 30 representatives of Ministries of transport, national railway companies, port authorities and representatives of trade, customs and border management agencies, of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Ukraine, countries on the Trans-Caspian corridor providing a land bridge between Europe and China, participated in the events.
Recognizing the need for strengthened inter-governmental stakeholder co-ordination efforts and a harmonization of transport policies, participants explored ways for making their transport routes operational and commercially attractive. Discussions focused on the institutional set-up options for designing a corridor management mechanism aimed at strengthening the transport routes that connect these countries with global markets.
Eni Gjergji, Economic Advisor of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, emphasized the significant role of the OSCE in providing participating States a platform to discuss policy choices and foster inter-governmental dialogue. “The Operationalization of Euro-Asian Transport Links can play an instrumental role in improving the conditions for trade, leading ultimately to socioeconomic development and strengthening peace, security and stability in the region. The OSCE remains committed to facilitating meaningful and inclusive dialogue for a more effective Euro-Asian inland transport connectivity”, said Gjergji.
Roel Janssens, Economic Affairs Officer at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, said: “The consultations held upon the request of these five Governments aim at identifying concrete steps in overcoming the remaining interoperability challenges faced by the region, making these routes truly competitive for the inter-continental transportation of high-value and time sensitive cargo.”
These events are part of a series co-organized by the UNECE Sustainable Transport Division, in the framework of EATL, and the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities. The OSCE has been providing support to the UNECE’s Euro-Asian Transport Links project since 2006.