Third edition of the OSCE Scholarship for Peace and Security training programme begins

Some 150 young scholars (90% female) from 46 OSCE participating States and seven Partners for Co-operation, began the eight-week online training programme on “Conflict Prevention and Resolution through Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation in the OSCE Area” on 6 April 2020. The programme is organized jointly with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in Vienna, thanks to generous contributions of Andorra, Finland, Germany, Ireland and Switzerland.
The in-person part of the training programme is foreseen to take place later this year.
The training programme provides general orientation and knowledge about conflict prevention and resolution through arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation. In particular, the programme was recognized as an outstanding initiative that helped to strengthen the participation of young women in the security sector.
A participant of last year’s course, Ilina Dimovska from North Macedonia, said of the programme: “First of all, the training programme has made me braver. I have become more aware of gender-related matters and I feel more empowered to take a stand. I would like to encourage women in my country to participate in security discussions and trainings like this one, without feeling like there is no space for them.”
Addressing those starting this year’s programme, Sintija Oškalne of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and manager of this project, said: “We hope you will enjoy the course, and will benefit from it. With the right knowledge, the right tools and the right confidence each one of us can make a difference. We wish all the participants a successful completion of the training programme.”