OSCE’s Intelligence-led policing model presented in Tajikistan

The Strategic Police Matters Unit of the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department (SPMU), in close co-operation with the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe, organized an introductory workshop on Intelligence-led policing (ILP) in Tajikistan’s capital on 26 November 2019. Some 28 senior representatives and managers from the country’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Anti-corruption Agency, the Drug Control Agency and the State Committee for National Security took part.
Participants were familiarized with the OSCE Guidebook on Intelligence-Led Policing, which elaborates how ILP is a modern approach to contemporary law enforcement management that combines intelligence gathering and analysis with informed decision-making procedures.
“In response to the growing complexity of crime and greater public demand for financial efficiency, law enforcement agencies and authorities across the world are gradually shifting their focus from reactive towards proactive police work,” said Arnar Jensson, ILP Project Manager at the SPMU.
Experts from Sweden and Serbia later shared experiences, best practices and lessons learned from implementing ILP in their respective countries.
During discussions about the benefits and challenges for introducing ILP in Tajikistan, participants stressed the need to provide adequate equipment and training to relevant specialists, adapt the ILP model to the national context and cultural background, and to strengthen trust between the public and the police. Ensuring ILP’s compliance with human rights standards was also highlighted.
“Tajik authorities are increasingly recognizing the importance of proactive policing and introduced new legislation as well as a specialized training course on ILP,” said Gerrit Zach, Acting Deputy Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe. “The OSCE Programme Office and the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan have agreed to translate the OSCE Guidebook on Intelligence-led Policing into Tajik.”
The event is a part of a series of national and regional training workshops organized by SPMU under its extra-budgetary project on ILP.