OSCE train-the-trainer regional seminar aims to build capacities of women civil society leaders in South-Eastern Europe to prevent violent extremism

Fifteen representatives of civil society and OSCE field operations from across South-Eastern Europe participated in a regional train-the-trainer seminar for future facilitators of courses tailored for women leaders on preventing violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism. The seminar, held in Belgrade from 11 to 16 November 2019, was organized by the Action against Terrorism Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department.
The seminar prepared regional facilitators for the delivery of training courses, which are part of the OSCE’s Leaders against Intolerance and Violent Extremism (LIVE) initiative. This initiative seeks to promote context-specific efforts against violent extremism across the OSCE area developed and led by civil society at the grassroots level.
Participants strengthened their facilitation skills, knowledge and awareness of concepts covered by the LIVE curriculum and practiced its delivery.
“The OSCE Mission to Serbia welcomes the LIVE initiative; it underlines the importance of local ownership in preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism,” said Robert Kucharski, Head of Security Co-operation at the OSCE Mission to Serbia. “This train-the-trainer seminar will equip future facilitators with skills and knowledge that they will later employ to strengthen the resilience of local communities to violent extremism.”
The LIVE initiative is based on the recognition that civil society plays a crucial role in a whole-of-society approach to preventing and countering violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (P/CVERLT). Civil society actors are often well positioned, credible and experienced in working with specific groups to help identify and address the grievances that make individuals more vulnerable to the influence of violent extremist groups.
“I have previously been involved in the implementation of the LIVE youth leaders training,” said Valbone Dermaku, National Human Rights Adviser, OSCE Mission in Kosovo, who participated in the train-the-trainer seminar in Belgrade. “I have heard from multiple youth leaders how useful and relevant the LIVE training was for them”.
During the seminar, participants were acquainted with two of the OSCE’s handbooks on P/CVERLT: The Role of Civil Society in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism: A Guidebook for South-Eastern Europe; and Understanding the Role of Gender in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization That Lead to Terrorism: Good Practices for Law Enforcement.
In co-operation with OSCE field operations in South-Eastern Europe, the Action against Terrorism Unit has previously delivered two regional seminars as part of the LIVE initiative: a train-the-trainer seminar for youth leaders (held in Skopje) and a similar seminar for community leaders (held in Sarajevo).