OSCE training workshop on intelligence-led policing held in Mongolia

The OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department, in co-operation with the National Police Agency of Mongolia, organized a training workshop on the advantages of intelligence-led policing (ILP) as a modern approach to contemporary law enforcement management on 9 October 2019 in Ulaanbaatar.
Thirty police managers, occupying decision- and policy-making positions in the National Police Agency of Mongolia and the University of Internal Affairs of Mongolia, attended the workshop.
After the presentation of the OSCE-recommended ILP model, which was recently published in the OSCE Guidebook on Intelligence-Led Policing, law enforcement experts from Sweden, Estonia and Serbia shared their experiences, best practices and lessons learned from implementing ILP in their respective countries. Potential benefits as well as challenges and obstacles for introducing an ILP model in Mongolia were then discussed in working groups.
“Given the limited resources, police need to base its work on empirical data and information to be able to effectively and efficiently fulfill its role in protecting public safety and the rule of law,” said Zorigt Ochirkhuyag, Head of Department for Information, Analysis and Operational Management in the National Police Agency of Mongolia.
Arnar Jensson of the OSCE Secretariat’s Transnational Threats Department expressed gratitude to the National Police Agency of Mongolia for the excellent co-operation in organizing the workshop. He underlined that: “ILP as an approach to law enforcement management has already been adopted by a number of countries around the world in recent years, moving the focus from reactive towards proactive police work.”
ILP developed as a response to two of the main challenges of today’s law enforcement: the ever increasing complexities and transnational nature of crime, and a greater public demand for financial efficiency. ILP combines intelligence gathering and analysis with informed decision-making procedures.
The OSCE Guidebook on Intelligence-Led Policing presents a common and coherent approach to implementing ILP in the OSCE area. It has been translated into several languages and is used by law enforcement authorities and training institutions across the OSCE area.