OSCE Senior Gender Adviser visits Russian Federation

The OSCE Senior Adviser on Gender Issues, Amarsanaa Darisuren, visited the Russian Federation from 29 to 31 July 2019 with the aim of further enhancing links and co-operation in the field of gender equality. She held discussions with representatives from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Labour and Social Protection, and Higher Education and Science, as well as the Office of the Prosecutor General and the Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation. She also met with the Chair of the Women’s Union of Russia and the Chair of the national NGO Business Women of Russia.
The discussions focused on combating and preventing violence against women and girls, the economic empowerment of women, and their economic and social rights, and social protection.
Darisuren was joined on the visit by Ambassador Argo Avakov, the Head of the Action against Terrorism Unit of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department. He inquired about Russia’s experiences of women’s participation in the security sector, and the rehabilitation and reintegration of women perpetrators of violent extremism and women and their families returning from ISIL/Daesh territories.
The OSCE representatives received first-hand information on Russia’s progress in implementing its National Action Strategy for Women 2017-2022 through an inter-agency approach, as well as legislative developments on preventing, combating and prosecuting domestic violence.
The OSCE delegation visited a new model shelter for women with children from low-income backgrounds who are survivors of domestic violence, and learnt how the shelter provides psychological support and programmes targeting men.
In her meetings, the Senior Gender Adviser encouraged making use of the OSCE as a platform for sharing good practices and experiences, and encouraged interlocutors from the various ministries to engage at OSCE events on gender equality.
The visit concluded with a roundtable presentation for representatives from various ministries on the methodology and recommendations from the OSCE-led Survey on the Well Being and Safety of Women. Participants were interested in how the results will be utilized by practitioners and inquired about the possibility of conducting similar research for the Russian Federation.