Uzbek trainers trained in countering terrorist financing by OSCE and UN Office on Drugs and Crime
A three-day train-the-trainer course on countering terrorist financing was organized in Vienna for Uzbek participants from 17 to 19 July 2019 by the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department, in co-operation with the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime's Global Programme against Money Laundering (UNODC/GPML).
The course, which took place on the premises of the OSCE Secretariat, was led by international experts and tailored to Uzbekistan. It included country- and region-specific scenarios.
The training programme covered areas such as sources of information; national, regional and international threats; the requirements of a terrorist organization; money flows; and national case studies. The international experts reviewed the localized training material together with Uzbek national experts and went through the training methodology.
The six participants of the course will deliver training courses to local participants upon their return to Uzbekistan, jointly with international experts from the OSCE and UNODC/GPML.
The train-the-trainer course is part of a comprehensive multi-annual OSCE-UNODC capacity-building programme to support national efforts to counter terrorist financing in Central Asia.