Benefits of joining International Civil Aviation Organization’s Public Key Directory discussed with Interior Minister of North Macedonia
The Border Security and Management Unit of the OSCE’s Transnational Threats Department held meetings with North Macedonia’s Minister of Interior Oliver Spasovski and his Task Force on the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Public Key Directory (ICAO PKD), from 21 to 22 March 2019 in Skopje.
This country visit aimed at facilitating North Macedonia’s participation in ICAO PKD – a secure and cost-effective central repository for exchanging the public keys of ePassports and allowing for their fast and safe authentication at the borders.
“North Macedonia is now in the accession process with NATO and moving towards EU membership. Improving its border security will increase the country’s credibility and move it one step closer to EU,” said Dennis Cosgrove, Head of the OSCE Border Security and Management Unit. He highlighted the regional approach of the PKD initiative: “If all countries from the region join, the benefits of the PKD system will increase for all.”
Maria-Esther Hernandez Crespo, Deputy Chair of the ICAO PKD Board, emphasized that the PKD system helps all nations to work together in combating passport fraud and contributing to domestic and international security.
Minister Spasovski thanked the OSCE for facilitating the process of joining ICAO PKD for North Macedonia. He noted that this is the right time for PKD implementation in the region, considering the challenges South-East Europe faces, and stressed that improving border security is the main priority for his country.
OSCE officials also met with the members of the Task Force on ICAO PKD and discussed step by step guidelines on technical and administrative requirements for joining the PKD, as well as the OSCE’s support during the entire process. The Task Force consists of representatives from the Civil Affairs Department, the Information Technology and Security Sector, and the Border Police and Migration Departments of the Interior Ministry.
This was the fourth country visit on ICAO PKD to the Western Balkans as a follow-up activity to the first OSCE Regional Workshop for South-East Europe on ICAO PKD, which was organized in Montenegro, in November last year. At the workshop, representatives of North Macedonia presented an overview of its ePassport system and together with recommendations from experts drafted a road map on how to join the ICAO PKD.