OSCE Secretary General encourages political parties in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to adopt necessary reform agenda
VIENNA, 9 June 2015 - OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak, discussed in Vienna today the priorities of the BiH Council of Europe Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, as well as the current situation in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH).
Zannier noted that the recent entry into force of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement provides a unique opportunity to make concrete progress towards integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the European structures on the basis of a pragmatic agenda through the early adoption of the National Strategy on Social and Economic Reform.
“This is a crucial moment in BiH’s EU accession process and I encourage all parties to engage constructively taking into account the long-term interest of the country”, said Zannier. ”I hope that the National Strategy will receive the necessary political support and that the Declaration of Acceptance of Reform Agenda will be signed on 11 June during the visit of EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn to Sarajevo.”
The Secretary General and the Minister agreed to organise joint OSCE-Council of Europe activities in the upcoming six months, and made particular reference to fighting radicalisation and terrorism, youth empowerment and combating violence against women.