Launch of Guidance Note on Enhancing Gender-Responsive Mediation
On 24 October 2013 the OSCE Gender Section launched its new publication Guidance Note on Gender-Responsive Mediation at Sabanci University in Istanbul. The publication is a step in the enhancement of early warning and conflict prevention structures of the OSCE. It provides a practical guide for mediators engaged in formal peace negotiations on how to include women in the dialogue, as well as how to gender mainstream the mediation process.
The launch gathered around 60 participants from all over the OSCE region, with mediators, UN agencies and other international organizations, academia, NGOs and governmental representatives attending. There was agreement among participants that the focus of discussions surrounding the inclusion of women in peace processes should shift from why to how to do it. Participants and experts alike agreed that in this context the Guidance Note can be considered as a ground-breaking tool.
“By not including women in the peace process we are actually losing out on a great resource to create sustainable peace” stated Ambassador Miroslava Beham, Senior Adviser on Gender Issues at the OSCE. “Women activists in the OSCE region are working on a voluntary basis across conflict lines to alleviate the impacts of conflict and crises. But their efforts and experience are rarely taken into account when formal negotiations take place. If we were to include women in peace processes we would acquire a greater understanding of the dynamics of conflict, as well as greater buy-in for the peace process.”
Following the launch of the Guidance Note, OSCE structures will work on the development of training modules on gender sensitive mediation for OSCE staff as well as for external stakeholders involved in mediation and negotiation efforts.
The Guidance Note is available on the OSCE website here: //