Security Days: Enhancing Security through Water Diplomacy - The Role of the OSCE
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Sustainable water management is key to ensuring peace, stability and security. Transboundary water resources are of special importance to the OSCE as a regional security organization. “Although we are making progress in identifying and taking advantage of opportunities for water co-operation, much more needs to be done if we want to be serious about preventing conflict,” said OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier.
Each session featured a dynamic, moderated and interactive panel discussion among high-level experts from governments, international organizations, river basin commissions, NGOs, academia and the business community, with ample opportunities for questions and answers from the audience.
The conference took place at the Hofburg Congress Centre on 8 July 2014.
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Video from the whole event is available here.
For further information contact the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities at