BEYOND THE HEADLINES: Protecting journalists to advance media freedom - OSCE South East Europe safety of journalists event
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Media freedom is paramount in safeguarding our democratic societies. Yet, the safety of journalists, fundamental for media freedom, remains a pressing concern across the OSCE. Journalists face a rising tide of threats: physical assaults, intimidation, smear campaigns, legal harassment, and online attacks. To address these challenges and continue to enhance the security of media professionals, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media is organizing a regional event in Podgorica fully dedicated to the safety of journalists.
The event will showcase good practices and initiatives for protecting journalists’ safety online and offline. Furthermore, it will showcase the RFoM Safety of Journalists Toolbox and the RFoM Safety of Female Journalists monitoring guidelines. These essential resources offer journalists a wealth of support to enhance their safety both in the field and online. From good practices to actionable guidance, they empower journalists with crucial knowledge in navigating today's evolving media landscape.
The event will convene journalists, media, legal experts, and researchers from the South East European region and beyond.