OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media concludes visit to Luxembourg

On 28 January 2022, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Teresa Ribeiro, concluded an official visit to Luxembourg.
Ribeiro met with several government representatives and other senior officials, including Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean Asselborn, Minister of Justice Sam Tanson, representatives of the Ministry of State and with several members of Parliament under the guidance of President of the Parliament Fernand Etgen and President of the Parliamentary Committee on Digitalisation, Media and Communications Guy Arendt.
Ribeiro and her counterparts discussed several topics, including access to government information, the increasing threats and violence against the media, including legal harassment, as well as media pluralism in the country and in the OSCE region.
Ribeiro also visited the radio station ARA, to discuss the issue of media pluralism, news provision for minority groups and the role of public service media in the country.
Ribeiro and her counterparts agreed on further co-operation as an important element of improving media freedom in the OSCE region.