OSCE Media Freedom Representative meets with Belarusian Union of Journalists
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Teresa Ribeiro, met with representatives of the Belarusian Union of Journalists (BUJ) online yesterday, 11 May 2021, to discuss the current state of freedom of expression and media freedom in Belarus.
In particular, Ribeiro met with BUJ members Andrey Krivosheev (Chairperson), Vadim Gigin, Lyudmila Gladkaya, Grigory Azaryonok and Veronica Bouta.
Ribeiro expressed her serious concerns about the negative implications of the ongoing political developments in the country on the work of media outlets and about the continued harassment and persecution of media workers and professionals. She noted extremely worrisome legal developments, with a large potential to negatively affect the freedom of expression and free flow of information, both offline and online, in the country. She also shared the alarming conclusions of the legal review her Office had commissioned of the Belarusian Resolution that governs accreditation rules and procedures for foreign journalists.
Ribeiro thanked the participants for presenting their overview of the media freedom situation and for their testimonies. She underlined that all media workers should be able to freely report, collect and disseminate information and that it is important to always refrain from promoting unduly restrictive regulations and stigmatizing practices.
Ribeiro previously expressed her concern at the deterioration of media freedom in Belarus, see https://www.osce.org/representative-on-freedom-of-media/478885 and https://www.osce.org/representative-on-freedom-of-media/478693.