Second expert meeting "Central Asia Judicial Dialogue"
Organized by

The topics of this year’s event include the latest trends in legislation countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism in the OSCE area, legal measures against incitement to inter-ethnic and religious enmity in the region, as well as defamation and insult. These topics are derived from the most frequently addressed cases of offensive and sometimes illegal content encountered, both in online news resources and on social networks.
The Judicial Dialogue platform will compare and evaluate national approaches to these issues in all of the Central Asian States but also in other OSCE participating States, and present case studies in the course of reforms that have been undertaken. It aims at strengthening the capacity of the judiciary to protect freedom of expression and media freedom while taking into account the security context and encouraging the exchange of best practices in the OSCE region.
For any queries regarding the event, please contact Elena Cherniavska.