OSCE representative welcomes release of Akın Atalay in Turkey but strongly condemns prison sentences for Cumhuriyet journalists and staff

VIENNA, 26 April 2018 - While welcoming the acquittal of three Cumhuriyet staff, and the release of CEO Akın Atalay, OSCE media freedom representative Harlem Désir strongly condemned the prison sentences issued by the court in Silivri, Turkey, to the majority of the defendants.
“I welcome the release of CEO Akın Atalay and the acquittal of three staff members of Cumhuriyet, but I strongly condemn the prison sentences against him, as well as other journalists and staff of the newspaper,” Désir said.
According to the first news coming out of the Silivri Court, on 25 April the Court ruled to acquit journalist Turhan Günay, former accountant Bülent Yener and chief of accounts Günseli Özaltay. It also decided to release CEO Akın Atalay but sentenced him to over 7 years for allegedly supporting a terrorist organization. The other defendants, including journalists Ahmet Şık, Murat Sabuncu and Kadri Gürsel, were sentenced to prison extending between two years and six months and seven years and six months. All defendants facing further prison are also subject to travel bans. The appeal procedures are expected to start once the full text of the verdict is published.
“The accusations of support to terrorism against Cumhuryiet’s journalists are groundless and the verdicts in the court demonstrate this once again,” Désir said. “These journalists have been condemned for what is their fundamental human right: doing their work. I call on Turkey to reverse the sentences and to respect freedom of the media.”
Désir recalled that last night’s verdict was preceded by lengthy pre-trial detentions marred by violations of the defendants’ communication and visitation rights, and the inability of the prosecution to prove any of the extreme terrorism charges against the Cumhuriyet staff.
“In the current critical situation the upcoming decisions at the European Court of Human Rights, especially the case of Sabuncu and Others v Turkey and Şik v Turkey, will be of utmost importance,” Désir noted.
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media observes media developments in all 57 OSCE participating States. He provides early warning on violations of freedom of expression and media freedom and promotes full compliance with OSCE media freedom commitments. Learn more at www.osce.org/fom, Twitter: @OSCE_RFoM and on www.facebook.com/osce.rfom.