PCUz facilitated online meeting between Children Ombudsmen of Uzbekistan and Finland

The children’s ombudsmen of Uzbekistan and Finland shared experiences and discussed possible further co-operation on child-protection issues during an online meeting on 28 February that was organized by the Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan (PCUz).
During the session, Surayyo Rakhmonova, the Commissioner of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Children's Right (Ombudsman), explained the impact of Uzbekistan’s recently adopted law “On Protection of Children from All Forms of Violence” and inquired about the powers and practices of the Finnish institution.
The goal of the new law is to create a system to prevent violence against children, to protect child victims of violence and to ensure the well-being of families.
“This meeting is an important follow-up to a PCUz-organized study visit to Finland from 11 to 13 December 2024, during which Uzbekistan’s delegation met with Finnish officials and NGOs and exchanged good practices in fighting sexual crimes against minors", reminded Ambassador Antti Karttunen, Head of Office of the PCUz.
Elina Pekkarinen, the Finnish Ombudsman for Children, discussed key aspects of her work, including the office’s role in establishing effective communications with children and youth, monitoring their well-being, and ensuring protection of their rights.
Special attention was given to the Ombudsman’s interaction with government agencies and NGOs working in the field of children's rights protection, as well as mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The meeting also addressed successful examples of inter-agency cooperation and responses to child-rights violations.