OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan organizes workshop on combating corruption in state organizations
The Academy under the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan welcomed some 100 representatives of state bodies to a two-day training workshop on increasing the efficiency of anti-corruption measures in state organizations on 14 November 2018 in Tashkent. The event was organized jointly with the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, the General Prosecutor’s Office and NGO the Regional Dialogue.
During the workshop the participants discussed how to implement measures to prevent anti-corruption in the state bodies and were familiarized with the international experience in promoting a zero-tolerance to the corruption across the population. The participants also learned how to raise public awareness on anti-corruption topics.
Juergen Becker, Senior Project Officer of the Human and Politico-Military dimensions at the Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, said: “Government services should be a sector where corruption has no place. Corruption is not something that is driven top-down, but it is something that can be stopped that way. Without clear regulations and strong compliance mechanisms, without establishing the ethics on which state servants should base themselves at the top it will be difficult to speak about the efficiency of state measures towards combating corruption.”
The workshop was organized as part of the Project Co-ordinator’s efforts to assist Uzbekistan in achieving its international commitments in regard to combating corruption by facilitating collective action against corruption in the business sector.