Policies and practices of open government data management focus of study visit to Japan by Uzbekistan delegation, supported by OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan

The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan supported a four-day study visit of a government delegation from Uzbekistan to Japan to learn about policies and practices of open government data management. The visit, which concluded on 29 June 2018 in Tokyo, was organized in co-operation with the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Japan.
Five representatives from the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications, the Centre for Development of Electronic Government (e-Gov) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs met with stakeholders engaged in the development of open government. The discussions took place in the Cabinet Secretariat, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, University of Tokyo, Keio University, National Institute of Informatics and private sector companies.
During the meetings, Japanese stakeholders stressed that the major impulse for open data development in Japan was the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, which occurred in 2011 and led to thousands of casualties and injuries.
After these tragic events, the Japanese government realized the importance of accessible and open data on missing people; emergency centres; shelters; availability of infrastructure, energy, and levels of food pollution. It adopted its Open Government Strategy in 2012. The strategy paves the way for central government institutions and local governments to make important data available to the public.
The Uzbek delegates presented Uzbekistan’s open government strategy at the University of Tokyo and exchanged views with the Japanese interlocutors. They agree to co-operate further with the University concerning the development of open data management systems in Uzbekistan.
The Project Co-ordinator supported the visit within the framework of its project to support Uzbekistan in development of open government data policies.