OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan holds first annual Business Forum on Green Technologies

Strengthening co-operation in the field of environmental and sustainable development in Central Asia was the focus of the 2018 OSCE International Business Forum on Green Technologies, organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan in co-operation with the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and Environmental Protection and ITECA Exhibitions, on 5 and 6 June in Tashkent.
The Forum, which was held concurrently with the Central Asian International Environmental Forum, which also included the First International Exhibition on Green Ecology Technologies in Central Asia, GETCA 2018, brought together over 200 participants from across the OSCE region, including private sector representatives, high-level government officials and representatives from embassies and international organizations.
Over the course of two days, participants discussed sustainable mobility, waste and water management, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Throughout the proceedings, the focus was on specific technologies and economic models offering concrete ideas for the implementation of sustainable development initiatives in Central Asia.
“The Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan supports capacity building for regulators and civil society on green economy strategies, including by exchanging best practices and creating platforms for discussion, and events like today’s Forum are an important part of that,” said Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan John MacGregor in his opening remarks.
Bakhrom Kuchkarov, Chairman of the State Committee on Ecology and Environmental Protection, said: “Today’s Forum gives us a chance to put into action our plans for sustainable development and moves us a step closer towards fulfilling the goals for sustainability as described in President Mirziyoyev’s decree On the Strategy of Actions to Further Develop Uzbekistan in Five Priority Areas for 2017-2021.”
The Forum was organized as part of the Project Co-ordinator’s project Support in Implementation of Green Economy Policies in Uzbekistan and is set to become an annual event.