OSCE supports roundtable discussion on implementing Aarhus Convention principles in Kazakhstan
An OSCE-supported roundtable discussion on implementing the Aarhus Convention principles in Kazakhstan concluded on 7 October 2021 in Turkestan, held in a blended format.
The event organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan and the Information and Analytical Center of Environmental Protection of Kazakhstan’s Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources Ministry (Information and Analytical Center) gathered some 60 representatives, including 30 online from government entities, Aarhus centres, the private sector and environmental NGOs from various regions of the country.
The two-day event focused on implementing the Aarhus Convention, including applying the Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTR) Protocol and the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) amendment under Kazakhstan’s new Environmental Code, which entered into force on July 1 2021. The participants discussed challenges faced in public participation during the COVID-19 pandemic, and emphasized the importance of broader teleconferencing tools.
The Information and Analytical Center representative delivered a presentation on the main functional aspects of the newly launched environmental portal that includes several modules, including one for public hearings under the Aarhus Convention. As a result of the new legislative change, companies are obliged to publish information on the activities affecting the environment at a centralized location, which was possible to bypass under the previous practice. From now on, on ecoportal.kz, citizens can learn about environmental hearings through their own Personal Office on the web portal, register for participation at such events, and ask questions about topics of interest.
The event is part of the Programme Office’s multi-year activities to promote good environmental governance and assist the host country in meeting its commitments under the Aarhus Convention.