OSCE organizes online training seminar for journalists on data analytics
An OSCE-supported online training-seminar concluded on 3 October 2020. The OSCE Programme Office in Nur-Sultan organized the three-day event to build capacity of Kazakh-speaking journalists on data management.
National experts introduced new approaches to big data and data visualization for media production, analysis and advocacy. They also presented methodologies for working with various open-source materials and their processing for media reporting. Participants learned best practices on data-journalism and critical thinking in using big data. Attendees had the opportunity to apply the gained knowledge using practical exercises aimed at strengthening their skills in data collection and curation. They were also familiarized with data visualization applications.
Some 15 representatives of the media community attended the event.
The event is part of the Programme Office’s activities aimed at promoting media development and freedom of expression in line with OSCE principles and commitments.