Tajik heads of border outposts complete OSCE course on operational planning

The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe recently held a two-week training course for Heads of Border Outposts stationed along the Tajik-Afghan border. The training took place from 10 to 21 June 2024 at the "Poytakht" training center in the Rudaki district and was conducted by both international and local experts.
A total of twenty mid-ranking officers from different border outposts in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) participated in the rigorous course, which covered various topics such as operational planning, patrolling, mine awareness, gender mainstreaming in border security, canine utilization, and resource allocation for state border protection. Additionally, the training addressed risk analysis, modern border protection methods, data collection, and decision-making tailored to current threats and terrain features.
The course was organized in the frame of the successful implementation of Tajikistan’s National Border Management Strategy and its implementation plan for 2010-2025.