OSCE supports training course for governmental human rights focal points

From 24 to 26 October 2023, the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe (Office) in co-operation with the Office of the Human Rights Commissioner in the Republic of Tajikistan organized a three-day training course for governmental human rights focal points in Bokhtar, Khatlon region. Twenty participants (four women and 16 men), attended the event.
Two national human rights experts with extensive experience provided the training with a particular focus on state reporting to UN human rights treaty bodies and national and international human rights protection mechanisms. This was the third and last in a series of training sessions the Office is facilitating for governmental human rights focal points in the regions in 2023.
This activity is a component of the State Programme on Human Rights Education, adopted in 2022 and supported by the Office. It is part of OSCE’s broader work in strengthening and promoting the protection of human rights including by providing technical support to human rights bodies.