OSCE supports auto marathon to promote disability rights
From 9 to 13 October, the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe (Office), in co-operation with eight civil society organizations working with persons with disabilities and local municipalities, supported a rally in the Khatlon region.
The rally aimed to promote the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). It covered the districts of Kushoniyon, Balkhi, Baljuvon, Temurmalik, and Vose of the Khtalon region. The event intended to establish close co-operation between civil society and relevant government institutions in promoting the rights and interests of persons with disabilities and creating an accessible environment for them.
This activity is part of the Office’s support to the host country in the implementation of the National Action Plan on Ratification of the CRPD. It was carried out with the support of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Abilis Foundation (Finland).
The OSCE will continue to support Tajikistan and civil society in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities as part of its broader efforts towards the implementation of OSCE commitments and international human rights standards.