OSCE organizes community awareness raising sessions in disaster-prone areas of Tajikistan

On 21 August 2023, the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe (Office) in partnership with the Red Crescent Society of Tajikistan organized a disaster related awareness session for the 20 community members of Marghak village in Muminabad district. The village is located in a disaster prone area.
The sessions were designed to raise awareness of disaster preparedness and mitigation measures. Participants discussed the specific context of Marghak village including mapping its disaster prone areas. In addition, first aid training was provided to community members. This training will help them to provide basic medical care in the event of a disaster.
Marghak village is one out of eight villages in Muminabad district where similar community awareness raising sessions on disasters preparedness, mitigation and response are taking place throughout this month. The Office anticipates that these sessions will build resilience among communities in disaster-prone areas of Tajikistan.
This campaign is in line with the strategic goals of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and Tajikistan’s Mid-term State Program for the Protection of population and Territories from Emergency Situations for 2023-2028. It is part of OSCE’s broader work to support to disaster preparedness, prevention, response and recovery at community level as well as at national and transboundary levels.