OSCE supports capacity building of Tajik lawyers

Two OSCE-supported training courses for lawyers on development of professional competences and moral compensation for victims of torture and their relatives concluded on 18 September 2018 in Tajikistan. The first course was conducted on 14 and 15 September in Dushanbe, and the second was held on 17 and 18 September 2018 in the town of Guliston.
The two-day training courses for 45 practising defence lawyers from the Sughd and Dushanbe regions focused on national and international legislation and practice regarding the protection of torture victims and their relatives. They also aimed to strengthen the skills and expertise of the lawyers with regard to legal consultations and representation in courts.
National and international experts provided an overview of how to conduct investigations of torture cases, collect evidence and document the findings in accordance with international standards. Lessons learned from United Nations Committee Against Torture and European Court of Human Rights cases, as well as Tajikistan best practices were discussed at the training courses.
“I was impressed by the lawyers’ confidence that the legislation of Tajikistan allows all possibilities for non-pecuniary damage compensation and by their readiness to use these possibilities to develop the judiciary practice in such cases,” said Ukrainian human rights expert Olena Volochay, who was one of the trainers.
“Such training is very important for lawyers, as newly gained knowledge motivates us to work better with our clients and achieve a fair judicial decision for victims,” said Firuza Usmanova, a lawyer from Khujand city.
The event was jointly organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights’ (OHCHR) Regional Office for Central Asia, the public fund Notabene and the Union of Lawyers of Tajikistan.