OSCE-supported series of mobile group training courses for border troops concludes in Tajikistan

Mine risk awareness, human rights, gender mainstreaming and the importance of local population involvement in border protection were the focus of three 14-day mobile training courses, that were organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe and concluded on 9 August 2019.
129 Tajik boarder officials participated in the courses, held in Khatlon, Sugd and the Kuhistani Badakhshan Autonomous region of Tajikistan.
Tajik border troops’ graduates of the 2017 OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe train-the-trainer course conducted this year’s courses. In addition, the OSCE hired local experts with extensive experience, to monitor and provide support for the border troops’ instructors in delivering high quality training.
This course was organized within the framework of the Programme Office Border Management Unit and is part of the successful implementation of the Tajik National Border Management Strategy.