Elevating Qualification for Judicial System: Intensive Training for Legal Professionals in Kazakhstan

On 13 May 2024, aspiring legal professionals gathered in Astana to inaugurate an intensive legal training programme aimed at retraining potential personnel for Kazakhstan’s judicial system. The training spanned from 13 to 18 May, encompassing a comprehensive week-long educational endeavour. Prior to this, participants engaged in a two-week-long online training programme delivered by the Academy of Justice, supplemented by mock essay writing sessions, to fortify their foundational skills and knowledge.
The programme, organized in co-operation with the Supreme Court, the Court Administration, the High Judicial Council, Maqsut Narikbayev University (MNU), and the Academy of Justice, marks a significant step towards enhancing the qualifications and skills of individuals aspiring for judicial positions in Kazakhstan.
Dr. Volker Frobarth, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, emphasized that the Intensive Legal Training serves as a valuable supplementary tool for enhancing qualifications. He noted that when coupled with systematic self-study, it may become particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to take part in qualification examination. Dr. Frobarth underlined that while participation in the training does not guarantee appointment to a judicial position, it serves as a valuable tool for improving qualifications among participants.
With a carefully selected pool of 150 participants, including employees of the judicial system and lawyers from various regions, the programme ensures a comprehensive learning experience. Each participant underwent a pre-test on various spheres of law administered by the Agency for Civil Service Affairs. The selection process ensures that all attendees possess a required foundation in legal knowledge, enriching the collaborative learning environment and effectiveness of the training.
The one-week-long intensive training was administered at MNU. The curriculum was structured to be rigorous, providing a challenging and thorough educational experience for all participants. Participants delved into techniques of drafting judicial acts, the methodology of case-solving, argumentation techniques, conflict resolution, and honing public speaking skills. This immersive learning experience at MNU allowed the participants to receive quality education from esteemed faculty members, and acting judges and staff of the Court Administration, further enhancing their proficiency in legal practice.
The event underscores the commitment of Kazakhstan towards strengthening its judiciary and fostering confidence in the legal system. It reflects the country's dedication to nurturing skilled and competent legal professionals who uphold the principles of justice and the rule of law.
The workshop was organized under the extrabudgetary project of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana, titled “Improving the effectiveness of the justice system in Kazakhstan,” aiming to promote the quality of the judicial corps and enhance the effectiveness of the judicial system through the exchange of knowledge and best practices between academics and current judges on one side, and aspiring judicial candidates on the other.