OSCE trains police instructors on risk profiling techniques in Kazakhstan

An OSCE-supported three-day train-the-trainer course for law enforcement personnel on risk profiling techniques, for use when developing a security system to prevent criminal acts during large-scale events, concluded in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, on 13 December 2018.
Some 30 mid-level officers from the Karaganda Police Academy under the Interior Ministry of Kazakhstan learned about observational psychology during public gatherings. Experts focused on topics including identifying the elements of risk profiles, crowd mentality and psychological and communicational methods of influencing an aggressive crowd. The participants also engaged in exercises designed to improve information exchange within police units, thus increasing team efficiency.
The officers also familiarized themselves with different tactics to conduct negotiations with leaders of public gatherings. A number of practical exercises provided the participants with the opportunity to apply their newly-acquired skills. A handbook for police instructors was disseminated at the event.
The training, co-organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and the Karaganda Police Academy under the Interior Ministry, was led by experts from the private sector in Kazakhstan. The course was specifically developed for the Police Academy instructors so that they can go on to organize similar training sessions for their peers.
The event is part of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana’s activities to enhance security, increase accountability, and promote best practices in security at large-scale events.