OSCE supports roundtable discussion on organic agricultural development in Kazakhstan
The last in a series of three OSCE-supported roundtable discussions on the prospects of agricultural development in Kazakhstan with a focus on recently adopted national standards of organic production and certification concluded on 23 October 2018 in Astana.
Some 35 parliamentarians, officials of the Ministry of Agriculture and representatives of civil society and the business community discussed key challenges and proposed a set of recommendations to the Parliament to promote organic production in Kazakhstan. Experts from Germany presented organic production practices in the European Union and highlighted the government’s role in developing incentives for effective organic farming.
The event was organized in partnership with the Coalition for Green Economy, G-Global Development, and the German-Kazakh Agricultural Policy Dialogue. It is a follow-up to a training-of-trainers series on international organic farming standards held in the Almaty and Kostanay regions.
The seminar is part of the OSCE Programme Office’s long-term efforts to assist the host country in promoting sustainable development and green growth policies.