OSCE Programme Office in Astana completes 2017 series of seminars on human rights protection mechanisms in Kazakhstan

The last in a series of four OSCE-supported training seminars for representatives of the government, civil society and judiciary on human rights protection mechanisms in Kazakhstan was completed on 23 November 2017, in the Atyrau region.
The three-day event brought together 245 representatives of the administrations of the cities of Atyrau, Makhambet and Kulsary as well as judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers and members of civil society.
Among other things, the participants learned about international standards on access to information and the rights of the individual to freely receive and distribute information by lawful means. Particular attention was also paid to new developments in labour legislation, the prevention of labour and social conflicts, non-compete agreements, social partnerships and the resolution of labour disputes.
The event was organized by the Human Rights Commission under the President of Kazakhstan and the Atyrau regional administration, in co-operation with the OSCE Programme Office in Astana. Similar activities were supported earlier this year in the West Kazakhstan, Kostanay and North Kazakhstan regions as part of the Office’s long-term efforts to support national human rights institutions in promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms in the country.