OSCE Presence adapts work to help Albania during COVID-19 pandemic

From the onset of COVID-19 pandemic in Albania, the OSCE Presence has adapted its work to better respond to the needs of Albanian institutions, civil society and vulnerable groups. In close consultation with its key interlocutors, the Presence focused on emergency assistance, and immediate needs of host authorities. The Presence will continue to reshape its mid- to long-term support in line with its mandate and new requirements due to the pandemic.
To help the border and migration police safely perform their duties, the Presence will soon provide them with personal protection equipment worth 20,000 euro. In addition, with the support of Secretary General Greminger and the OSCE Charity Ball Funds, 450 vulnerable families belonging to the Roma and Egyptian community will be given food and hygienic items.
“We are proud to have helped Albania’s parliament operate virtually in this time of crisis and fulfil its legislative and oversight functions. Transparency of parliamentary work increased through the live broadcast of their online meetings,” said Bernd Borchardt, Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania. Borchardt said he was also glad to see the resumption of work on electoral reform, which has been a constant appeal of the Presence, and pledged further support to this process. At the request of parliament, the Presence provided comments on the latest amendments to the Criminal Code introducing a set of new measures to be followed in a time of crisis.
As COVID-19 poses an increased threat to people at risk of trafficking, the Presence adjusted its support to tackle exploitation and trafficking of persons, focusing especially on the child protection system. It helped the Ministry of Health and Social Protection draft guidelines for child protection management during the COVID-19 crisis.
“We will continue to adapt to the changing needs of Albania,” said Borchardt. “Reforms such as those in the fields of elections, the justice system, anti-corruption, anti-trafficking and security remain relevant to the country during and after this crisis, and we will mobilize additional expertise and resources to support their advancement.”
The Presence will also work to raise the capacities of central and local authorities to deal with crisis; boost contribution of civil society and academia especially in human rights, good governance, anti-corruption and environmental crime areas; develop new e-learning resources for law enforcement and judiciary officials; and address the effects of COVID-19 on gender issues, including gender-based violence.