PA President meets Georgia Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration
PODGORICA, Montenegro, 16 July 2013 - OSCE PA President Ranko Krivokapic met the State minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Georgia Alexi Petriashvili today in Podgorica.
One of the topics discussed during the meeting was the forthcoming presidential elections at which the OSCE PA is expected to observe.
Krivokapic and Petriashvili exchanged their views on latest developments on the political scene in Georgia with a special regard to the preparation of the presidential election campaign.
Krivokapic and Petriashvili also discused Georgia's aspiration for EU membership as well as the reform process to achieve consistency between Georgia's legal framework and the EU acquis communitaire.
This is a press release issued by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. The views expressed in this press release do not necessarily reflect those of the OSCE Chairmanship, nor of all OSCE participating States.
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is comprised of 323 parliamentarians from 57 countries spanning, Europe, Central Asia and North America. The Assembly provides a forum for parliamentary diplomacy, monitors elections, and strengthens international cooperation to uphold commitments on political, security, economic, environmental and human rights issues.