Weekly update from the Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk based on information as of 10:00 (Moscow time), on 02 December 2014)
Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Russian Federation. The Observer Mission (OM) continues to operate 24/7 at both Border Check Points (BCPs). On 30 November a Russian convoy crossed the Donetsk BCP to Ukraine and returned to the Russian Federation (RF) the same day. Overall cross-border traffic flows decreased at both Border Crossing Points (BCPs). Following a snowstorm and falling temperatures beginning in the night of 30 November, the traffic flows at both BCPs decreased significantly. The OM continued to observe a significant number of persons in military-style clothing crossing the border in both directions.
OM’s arrival, establishment and observation work
The OM is currently operating with 18 staff members, consisting of 13 permanent international observers (including the Chief Observer), three temporary international observers and two administrative assistants.
Cross-border movements common to both BCPs
The profile of the people crossing the border remains unchanged and can be categorised as follows:
- Families on foot or by car with a lot of luggage;
- Elderly people with few bags;
- Adults (usually of younger age) with no luggage or empty cars;
- People wearing military-style clothes with or without backpacks.
The average number of entries/exits decreased from 7,819 to 7,279 per day for both BCPs during the reporting period. More people entered Ukraine than exited to the RF. The average net flow, i.e. the balance of entries and exits, was minus 32 per day for both BCPs. The Donetsk BCP continued to experience more traffic than the Gukovo BCP. The cross-border movements registered at both BCPs accounted for 37 percent of all entries/exits in the Rostov region. The majority of the vehicles crossing the border have number plates issued in the Luhansk region, including the long-distance coaches commuting between Luhansk and cities in the RF.
Common observations at the BCPs
The situation at both BCPs remained calm. The OM continued to observe that the RF border guard and customs service conducted checks and controls.
Due to the cold weather conditions and heavy snow on the roads leading to the BCP, the number of people crossing the border and talking to the Observer Teams (OT) continued to decrease. People crossing the border and talking to the OM continued to perceive the situation in the area as tense. As during the past weeks, the OM observed families moving their belongings from Ukraine to the RF. In one case, a mother of two children told the OT at the BCP that her flat was shelled and destroyed a day before in the Luhansk area, which caused her to move with her family to Rostov in search of shelter. Regular local and long-distance bus connections continue to operate between the Luhansk region and cities in the RF.
During the reporting period, the OTs observed 594 men and women in military-style dress crossing the border in both directions, predominantly towards the RF. These people have been crossing individually or in groups. The maximum number of people in these groups decreased from ten to four. These border crossings occurred predominantly at the Donetsk BCP in both directions. The OTs continued to observe several Cossacks who were identified by their traditional fur hats, as well as by Cossack insignias.
The OTs continued to observe an increased number of cars having “DPR/LPR” stickers replacing the Ukrainian flag on their licence plates.
Russian convoy
On 30 November 2014 at 09:42hrs, a Russian convoy consisting of 43 vehicles arrived at the Donetsk BCP (cf. OM Spot Report of 30 November 2014). All cargo trucks bore the inscription “Humanitarian help from the Russian Federation”. The vehicles were checked by the Russian border guard and customs services. The OT observed that Ukrainian officers where present on the site during the inspection process in the morning. No Ukrainian officers were present on the site during the inspection process in the evening, but the OT saw Ukrainian officials stationed across the fence from the BCP observing the process and taking pictures from there. On the same day at 21:16hrs, all vehicles had crossed back into the Russian Federation. The convoy had to move slowly due to a snowstorm which began in the second half of the night. This was the seventh Russian convoy crossing through the Donetsk BCP since the arrival of the OM at the Russian BCPs.
Military movement
At the two BCPs the OM did not observe any military movement, apart from vehicles of the RF border guard service.
Observation at the Gukovo BCP
The traffic flows at the Gukovo BCP decreased compared to last week. A daily average of 2,960 entries and exits was recorded, which accounted for approximately fifteen percent of all entries/exits in the Rostov region. The net flow turned from plus 33 (i.e. entries to the RF) to minus 44 (i.e. exits from the RF) on average per day.
During the week, the OM observed a total of 38 persons in military-style clothing crossing the border at the Gukovo BCP, 19 of them left for Ukraine while 19 entered the RF.
The OM continued to observe high numbers of dumper trucks transporting coal from the Luhansk region to the RF. As reported previously, the observers saw RF customs officers verifying that the trucks were empty while leaving the RF.
Observation at the Donetsk BCP
During the reporting period, the activity at the Donetsk BCP decreased. The daily average of 4,319 entries and exits accounted for approximately 22 percent of all entries/exits in the Rostov region. The net flow slightly increased from plus 11 to plus 12 (i.e. entries to the RF) on average per day.
The OT observed 556 persons in military clothing crossing the border at the Donetsk BCP individually and in groups, predominantly to the RF.