Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) III on Freedom of Religion or Belief: The Role of Digital Technologies and Civil Society Actors in Advancing This Human Right for All
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Commitments to implement the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief are among the original tenets of the OSCE and an integral aspect of its concept of comprehensive security.
Despite progress with some important aspects of freedom of religion or belief, undue interferences with the exercise of this human right persist in the OSCE region, with differing impacts on men and women.
The third Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting (SHDM) explored the current state of freedom of religion or belief in the OSCE region, the opportunities that exist to advance it for the benefit of all and the challenges that impede the realization of this aim, including the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In particular, the meeting:
- examined the implications of recent trends for national legal frameworks and policies relating to freedom of religion or belief
- explored the challenges and opportunities pertaining to the rapid digitization and its impact on the enjoyment of this right
- considered the role of civil society actors in building and sustaining a culture of freedom of religion or belief for all in the OSCE region
Representatives of OSCE participating States, OSCE institutions and OSCE executive structures, those of inter-governmental organizations, civil society and researchers from 57 participating States that have relevant experience in the topic participated in the SHDM.
The Partners for Co-operation were also invited to attend and contribute with respect to their co-operation and links with the OSCE in the field.
Online self-registration at is now closed.
Live streaming
Live streaming has ended.
The modalities of the meeting were set out in accordance with the decision of the Permanent Council (PC.DEC/476, 23 May 2002).
Given the restrictions related to Covid-19, this meeting exceptionally took place online.
Side events
Side events provide an opportunity for participants to discuss issues that have not been fully covered during the working sessions, since only limited time is assigned to each topic.
Online booking of side events, available only to registered participants, is now closed.
The booking system is based on the “first come, first served” principle.
Overall co-ordination of the meeting: Mr. Martin Toplišek at
Registration of participants: Ms. Anna Sierant at
Co-ordination of side events: Ms. Justyna Pazura at